October 15, 2016

An ongoing list of possible titles


[It seems my main activity these day is trying to think of a title. I will attempt to continue this as an ongoing list.]

One Yes & Many Know

Timid Lust

Complicated Ethics

The Healthiest Junk Food

People speaking of things important to them

Shameless Seductions

The exhilarating tale of one boring person, written by said boring person

More Utopian Than We Can Fathom

Jacob’s in a State of Decimation

Art in the Age of Ecological Collapse

Actions at the Border

Utopian Counterinsurgency

Instead of a prison I would build a...

My General, My Popsicle

Reading the Obits and Finding Your Own Name

Helpless Laughter

Falling and Laughing

The Paradoxes of Performing Yourself

Magic to Turned Backs

The Also-ran

Solar Kittens

Amateur Compassion

The Uncontrived Encounter

Promiscuous Bewilderment

The Worst Apology

I Must Decline For Secret Reasons

A Vagabond Steps Off A Cliff

The Earth Owns Itself

So Much To Unlearn

Those Who Can't Teach

The Past is the Future

Having Never Experienced Jealousy

Imperfect Love

Unfinished Love

The Unfinished Present

My Apologies

Past, Present, Future, Etc.

How Not To Be A Hypocrite

Desire Without Expectation

Unfinished Love / Imperfect Love

Some Future

Life is very short and should not be spent crawling at the feet of miserable scoundrels

The Depressed Saint

Ashes Without A Phoenix

Not of the Ruins

Unfinished, Imperfect, Untitled

Everything Has Not Been Done

My Plan is to Stay Calm

I often say that I'm not particularly consequent

Because I Love Art, I Want Art To Be Different

When We Bomb It's War, When They Bomb It's Terrorism

Care and Time

Pushing the Wealth Upwards

Practical Utopias

And the Sadness is the Comedy

Aging Rock Star

Do people like sex?

Hospitality and Resistance

Something Might Still Change

Love Is Not A Game

Manifesto For Collective Child Rearing

There Are At Least Seven Bands With The Name Triangle

Always Connected To Disappointment

How Not To Be Irrelevant

Where I Come From We Give Love

You Told A Secret But Not The Truth

(Also, if you're feeling extra generous and would like to help me continue writing books, you can find my Patreon here.)


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