April 3, 2008

Hospitality Three - Promotional Text


Raised on a steady diet of television, recorded music and the internet, people today sometimes feel more comfortable mesmerized by recordings, or interacting through the interface of a computer screen, than they do dealing directly with real human beings. Hospitality Three: Individualism Was A Mistake will not shy away from this discomfort (a discomfort present at any live performance), rather it will honestly address it in order to deepen our understanding of what it might be like to share space with a group of people one doesn’t necessarily know.

Using the temporary community of people gathered in a room together to watch a performance as a metaphor for the wider community-at-large, Hospitality Three will provide as series of evocative examples of people working together – effectively (and sometimes not so effectively) – giving special focus to the fact that our cultures over-emphasis on individualism often makes such ‘working together’ difficult.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why go off on the assumption that people dont feel comfortable directly dealing with human beings? Is this from experience? From the people you surround yourself with? I would think otherwise specially if one is part of a theater troop. Or is this one of those improvised essays on the solipsism brought forth by new technologies (yada yada yada). Funny thing is I do enjoy recording, I do watch a lot of TV, and I do spend time on the internet. Yet, I feel little umcomfort dealing directly with people. In fact I would align myself with a group who seeks to initiate an openness in interactions so as to ease into 'comfort'.

Motivations seem suspicious and dishonest.