December 8, 2022

Seven Tumblr posts that have gone viral.


I think so far - more or less - I've had seven Tumblr posts that have gone viral:

This tweet that begins: "Gaza has gas. Sudan has gold. Congo has cobalt. Haiti has limestone. Afghanistan has copper. West Papua has crude oil..."

The classic cartoon Can I have a grant to finish my art?

This Paul Williams quote about being very careful about what you label a failure in your life.

This Mikkel Krause Frantzen quote that begins "Capitalism, in other words, inflicts a double injury on depressed people."

This Alfie Kohn quote that begins "When we set children against one another in contests - from spelling bees to awards assemblies to science “fairs” (that are really contests), from dodge ball to honour rolls to prizes for the best painting or the most books read - we teach them to confuse excellence with winning..."

This Wim Wenders quote about how "Every film is political."

And a Steven Cottingham artwork entitled Can You Come Over, Can I See You Tonight.

(I joined Tumblr in 2012 and since then have posted 13,665 times. As previously mentioned, I'm rather addicted to social media. And I often wonder what made these five posts go viral when so many of the other ones did not. Some things really connect with people in ways that, for me, often seem almost random. Something about the magic of the internet, the way things on Tumblr can snowball, more reblogs leading to more reblogs. Some aspect of the phenomena always peaks my interest. The way I can never really guess which particular post will do that particular thing. The way it always catches me by surprise.)

(Also, I can't believe I just publicly admitted I've posted on Tumblr 13,665 times. The addict has a need to confess. )


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